Top Speaker Line-up to Outline Benefits from Emission Reductions 

A top line-up of speakers will take to the stage at the leading regenerative event for livestock farmers, Down to Earth, next month in Cheshire to outline ways to improve profitability while transitioning to more environmentally acceptable systems.

Visitors to the one-day event at Grosvenor Farms on 3 July can attend practical talk stations, tour the farm, view over xxx trade stands whilst listening to a range of leading speakers.   

Host Grosvenor Farms intends to become net zero in six years, with a current carbon footprint of 0.8 kgs CO2-e/kg FPCM.

Visitors will hear from the farm’s Mark Roach and David Craven about how they have already reduced their emissions from their 2,600 Holstein dairy cows and 1,800 heifers through better feed digestion, more efficient use of feed, and lower nitrous oxide emissions due to the decline in crude protein levels.

The farm has also started a pilot trial using the new and innovative methane inhibitor Bovaer in 400 of their cows. Dairy Scientist and Consultant Nutritionist Adrian Packingham will explain how the inhibitor works in total and partial mixed rations to reduce methane produced by cows by up to 30%.

Visitors will also hear about the latest opportunities and changes to the 2024 Sustainable Farming Incentive ahead of the scheme opening on 22 July. Edward Earnshaw from Just Farm will be on hand to answer any questions and explain some of the low-hanging fruit available for farmers to grasp.  

Three talk stations situated on the farm will run throughout the day. They will cover soil biology and improving soil health, investment and returns from renewable energy, the impact of genetic selection, and genomics to improve feed efficiency and overall productivity on dairy farms.

RABDF Chairman Robert Craig says Down to Earth is an event where farmers can see first-hand the gains made by making small changes. “Reducing on-farm emissions doesn’t have to be about making huge investments; it’s often the fine-tuning that can make a big difference over time, not only in emission reductions but also in overall farm profitability. Grosvenor Farms is a clear example of how a drive to reduce emissions has positively impacted productivity and output,” he said.

Sponsors KW Feeds said: “Regenerative Agriculture is vital to improving biodiversity, soil health and carbon footprint while maintaining food security and farm profitability. Grosvenor Farms is a brilliant example of what can be achieved with a relentless focus on the outcomes needed to become a truly regenerative farm, and KW Feeds is delighted to be a part of this journey.

“These events provide a valuable opportunity for our industry to come together, learn, and advance for the benefit of dairy farming now and for the future.”

Sponsors Kite Consulting added: “For over 10 years, Grosvenor Farms has adopted a circular farming model, aiming to be truly sustainable, with a positive and regenerative impact on the environment, improving biodiversity at the same time as reducing their carbon footprint while remaining productive and commercially competitive. 

“We believe Grosvenor Farms is a fantastic example of how high output, productive dairy farming systems deliver against the principles of regen and we hope that by visiting the event, other farmers are inspired and enthused too.”

Tickets to the event are free of charge for RABDF members or £20 when bought before or at the gate. Find out more at