GEA has invited leading expert in group feeding Catherine Perrier-Kongsgaard to deliver three seminars in the UK this autumn. Two sessions will take place during the South West Dairy Show at the GEA stand at Exmoor Annex on the 4th of October 2017, one in the morning at 10.30am and one in the afternoon at 2.30pm. The third session will be on the 5th of October at Hayne Lecture Theatre Duchy College at 12 pm. All sessions are free to attend, but require a pre-registration form to be completed through the authorized GEA dealer network.
GEA would like to invite dairy farmers to come along to the seminars, which will cover the benefits of using automated feeding systems for efficient milk production. As a market leader in both conventional and automated feeding systems, GEA’s technologies allow you to feed precisely to each cow’s needs avoiding under and overfeeding based on sound herd management and nutritional principles, customised to your farm situation. Suitable for multiple feed types and feed groups, frequent fresh feed maximises intake, feed conversion, milk production and animal health.
GEA published an article, written by Catherine in the RABDF Milk Digest this year in June on the subject.
“Feeding is the key for an efficient milk production. With the levels of production that are achieved these days – even up to 13,000 kg milk per cow per year in some places of Europe - an appropriate feeding of nutrients, energy as well as a close monitoring of feeding is essential for high yields. Thinking of feeding as a cost factor of milk production, it becomes twice as evident how important it is to optimize feeding. Another way to consider feeding is as a major block for the cow to express its potential for milk production.” Catherine Perrier-Kongsgaard, RABDF, Milk Digest June 2017.