Assistance To Support The Rural And Animal Welfare Workforce In Scotland
Producers warned not to sell raw milk unless registered
Dairy farmers not registered as a raw drinking milk producer should not give away or sell raw milk straight from the tank, warns the Food Standards Agency.
It is illegal to sell or give away raw milk and cream free of charge if you are not registered to do so.
The warning comes as some dairy farmers may be asked by friends and neighbours if they can buy milk straight from the tank, with some supermarkets still seeing milk shortages on the shelves.
Q & A: Getting To Grips With The Impact Of Covid19 On Milk Supply Issues
1. Why are farmers having to dispose of milk?
Dairy farmers supply their fresh milk to processors who process or manufacture the milk into usable consumer products or as an ingredient for other products. The processors then sell their products to various outlets such as supermarkets, cafes and hotels.
It is the closure of restaurants, cafes and other catering outlets, known as the food service sector, as a result of Government measures brought in to control Covid19, that has resulted in a reduction in the demand for milk and dairy products.